The Fourth Virtual International Workshop for the International Network SEPARN (Socio Ecological Participatory Action Research Network) was held on 23rd September 2021 on ‘Nature-Based Solutions, Ecosystem Restoration for Sustainable Livelihood in the Context of SDGs’ with more than 70 participants from UK, Belgium, Finland, India and Bangladesh. IBRAD is coordinating the SEPARN network with academics, researchers, development professionals, policy makers from the countries of Finland, Belgium, Germany, UK, Hungary, Kenya, Bangladesh and India. It was initiated in June 2020 and since then four online international workshops were organised.
The speakers for the workshop were
Professor Myriam Dumortier, Senior Researcher, INBO, Belgium who presented on the topic ‘Agroecological Restoration through Community Participation’
Dr. Jan Dick, Senior Landscape Ecologist of UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology presented on ‘Nature based solutions: Experiences from UK’
Dr. Janne Heliola, Researcher, Finnish Environment Institute made his presentation on ‘Conservation of Grasslands: Experiences from Finland’
Professor S. B. Roy, Chairman of IBRAD was the key note speaker.

Women empowerment for climate resilience livelihood generation
Kalaboti Hembrom, a widow and single mother from Dhulkidanga, Jhargram used to depend on mono-cropped rainfed farming and collection of NTFPs like Mahua (Madhuca longifolia)